View from Bo'ness Harbour

View From Bo'ness Harbour.jpg

By Andrew C. Kidd

Pink skies purple the hills.
The contrast of colours sharp-edge
to collage like clippings
cut out of a magazine.

Raggy strips from lighter pages
tear softly across
in three or four distinct
tincture lines:

lilac, peach, cream and soft yellow
smudge the down-curtaining day.
A faint thumbprint
of the moon is half-pressed

slowly bleeding into evening’s
blue hues, blending with water’s margin,
interrupted by
light-dot lattice and towers ahead

from where smoke ropes up
or down
depending on whether fire or sky-melt
pulls you in the hardest.


Andrew C. Kidd is an emerging writer. He is currently writing poetry that explores the intersection of the environment and industry.